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[chimbosonic@website wasm_huffman]# cat README.MD This application will encode and decode give text using huff-tree-tap written in rust and compiled to WASM. You can find the project source code here. To use this, add your data to the decoded_data field and press ./encode at the bottom of the page. Make sure to keep the encoding_map as well as the encoded_data. To decode provide the encoded_data and the encoding_map and press ./decode at the bottom of the page. Data inputed is a read as a Vec<u8> so you can give it anything. The encoded data outputed is Hex encoded for poratbility. [chimbosonic@website wasm_huffman]# cat decoded_data [chimbosonic@website wasm_huffman]# cat encoded_data [chimbosonic@website wasm_huffman]# cat encoding_map [chimbosonic@website wasm_huffman]# [chimbosonic@website wasm_huffman]#